Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Proposal Siswa Kelas 11 MA Mazroillah Kota Lubuklinggau



This study aims to determine whether or not the influence of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition  learning model on Writing Skill of Student Proposal of Grade 11 MA Mazroillah Lubuklinggau. The method of this research is using experimental method with pretest posttest control group design design or experimental control group design. The population in this research is all students of class 11 MA.Mazroillah Lubuklinggau. Two classes were taken as simple random sampling samples of class 11 IPA as experimental class and class 11 IPS as control class. Data collection techniques use written test techniques. Student ability test data were analyzed by using t test. Based on the result of t test analysis, with the level of trust = 0,05 and degrees of freedom = 41, obtained tcount greater than t table 06 greater than 2.02, then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus the hypothesis reads that there is an influence of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition  learning model to the Writing Skill of Student Proposal of Class 11 MA Mazroillah Lubuklinggau is acceptable truth, with the average value of experimental class 80,14 is bigger than control class69,38.

Keywords: Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Model, Writing Capability Proposal



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